About Reviewers

Advantages for Reviewers

As a reviewer for GOSP English Journal Publisher, you contribute invaluable insights and wisdom to the academic community through your professional and timely peer-review services. Recognizing the dedication and hard work of our reviewers, GOSP English Journal Publisher offers discount vouchers for future Article Processing Charges (APCs) to those who submit detailed and thorough review reports in a timely manner. These vouchers are personal, non-transferable, and must be used prior to the issuance of the APC invoice, as a token of our appreciation and support for your efforts.

Responsibilities of Reviewers

  1. Maintain Journal Quality: Ensure that the manuscript meets the high standards of GOSP English Journal through objective and timely reviews, thereby preserving the academic reputation of the journal.

  2. Confidentiality: Strictly maintain the confidentiality of unpublished information and refrain from disclosing the manuscript content to unauthorized third parties.

  3. Clear Feedback: Provide clear and specific review comments to enable editors and authors to accurately understand and make improvements accordingly.

  4. Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest: Actively disclose any conflicts of interest (such as collaborative relationships, shared affiliations, personal connections, etc.) with the authors to the editor and, if necessary, recuse oneself from the review process.

  5. Scientific Integrity Oversight: Report any suspected scientific misconduct or unethical behavior to the editor, jointly safeguarding the integrity and fairness of the academic community.

Double-Blind Peer Review Process

  1. Invitation to Review: Reviewers will receive an invitation to evaluate a manuscript via email and are required to accept or decline the invitation through GOSP English Journal's online submission system. If declining, they may recommend alternative reviewers.

  2. Conflict of Interest Review: Prior to accepting the invitation, reviewers must carefully examine any potential conflicts of interest with the manuscript authors and disclose them to the editor.

  3. Writing the Review Report: The review report should be detailed, specific, and cover aspects such as data quality, conclusion support, and figure clarity. Clear recommendations should be provided, including acceptance, minor revisions, major revisions, or rejection.

Review Recommendations

  • Accept Submission: If the manuscript is of high quality and requires no modifications, it can be accepted for publication directly.

  • Minor Revisions: Suggest minor adjustments, and the author should complete the revisions within seven days of receiving feedback.

  • Major Revisions: Recommend significant modifications to the manuscript, outlining specific requirements for revision. The author will have ten days to resubmit the revised manuscript, which will be returned to the reviewer for further evaluation. Note that typically only one round of major revisions is allowed.

  • Reject: If the manuscript contains serious flaws, such as lack of originality, flawed methodology, or unsupported conclusions, recommend rejection and clearly state the reasons for the decision.

As a reviewer for GOSP English Journal, your efforts are instrumental in driving academic progress. We look forward to collaborating with you to enhance the academic influence and value of our journal.



